Sunday, September 9, 2007

following His lead...

This week, we walked through the first few verses of the book of Joshua and talked about what it means to follow God's vision for us. We discussed where we have been and where we are going. We talked about patiently following God's lead in His time and not rushing out ahead on our own. Our charge for this coming week is to prayerfully write down three words that describe The Village and bring them next week as we watch God craft His mission/vision statement for us.

1 comment:

Ben said...

I was reviewing Joshua, chapter 1 tonight based upon our teaching this past week. Something popped into my head as I was reading it and studying it. "Have I not commanded you?" is mentioned in verse 9. This stuck in my head, so I decided to go through some commentaries. One spoke of this in relation to the commandment given Jesus: to give his life upon the cross, a most unimaginable fate for any of us to bear. God's will is good, but will not always be easy. It WILL be done should we follow His law. So in other words, it is comforting to know that God will never give to us anything we cannot handle. Through him we can do all things. Sweet.