Thursday, November 15, 2007

hebrews (week two)...

This past week, we spent more time in Chapters One and Two. We spoke about how Jesus is described as prophet, priest and King. We talked about how Jesus is superior to the angels. Jewish tradition held that the angels brought the Law to Moses from God, so the author, addressing Jewish believers who were tempted to turn away from their faith in Jesus due to persecution, goes on to lay out a case for Jesus' superiority by referencing various Old Testament passages that speak of Him.

Chapter Three and Four focus on the concept of God's rest. These verses hold some powerful ideas and concepts. Let's wrestle with this together as we ask God to grant us wisdom through His Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to us more clearly.

Here are some questions to think about:

What is God's rest and how do we enter into it both physically and spiritually?
What does the author of Hebrews mean by "the gospel"?

Thursday, November 8, 2007


We cast lots to decide which book of the Bible to dive into in our gatherings and the lot fell to the book of Hebrews. This is a great book with lots of layers to uncover. Hopefully, this will be a place we can continue the conversation. We made it through chapter 4 or so, but we will probably be pondering those chapters more deeply as the weeks pass. Let the wrestling and discussion begin...