Friday, August 31, 2007


We will not be meeting formally as The Village this Saturday night for a gathering although many of us our spread out doing various things this weekend. May we spread the love, mercy, compassion and grace of Jesus Christ through our words, thoughts and actions this weekend. Looking forward to a new teaching series for the fall season and gathering as a group again starting on Saturday, September 8th...

Sunday, August 12, 2007


After much inspiration from Ed Dobson's teaching at Mars Hill last weekend, Mike taught this week from the story of the Akedah, or the binding of Isaac. Abraham's last and final test comes when God asks him to sacrifice "your son, your favored one, the one whom you love, Isaac." You can sense the tension building. Abraham's response three times in this story (to God, Isaac, and the angel of the Lord) is "hineni" or "Here I am (indicates readiness, attentiveness, receptivity and responsiveness to instructions)". This is such an amazing story and it shows us the depth of Abraham's faith (which was credited to him as righteousness) and the love of God in providing a substitute on Isaac's behalf. We are grateful for the ultimate substitute of Jesus on our behalf. Spend some time this week thinking about how God is calling you in your life and try to respond in your heart by saying "hineni".

If you want to dig deeper, check out Genesis 22, Romans 4 and Hebrews 11.

Friday, August 3, 2007

gathering this week...

Unfortunately we will not be meeting on Saturday this week, August 4th. We will resume our regular gatherings the following week, August 11th. As another reminder, we will not be meeting on Labor Day weekend, but will resume our regular gatherings on September 8th as we begin a new fall teaching series. Come and join us...

Please contact Mike with any questions by sending an email to