Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Last weekend, we talked at length about how we as followers of Jesus can live out our faith by giving back to those in need. Scripture is full of passages calling us to care for the poor, weak, widow, orphan and alien. We have struggled because we have talked about this a lot, but have not acted it out...yet. It's time to ACTIVATE! I loved Liza's post which pretty much sums up where we are. We discussed some ideas including participating in Adopt-a-Family and Family-to-Family. These are two initiatives that we will try to pursue this year. In addition, we have an opportunity to serve our neighbors in Quakertown this Sunday at the Halloween Parade at 2:00pm. We are trying to gather a group of people that can help us distribute hot chocolate or lemonade (depending on the weather) to the community as a practical way of displaying God's love.

1 comment:

Ben said...

The lemonade distribution went really well! It was slightly slow at first, but once we hit the heavily populated areas things really picked up. It was so neat to experience different peoples' reactions. I think folks were really genuinely thankful in many cases. We heard some neat comments from folks. The best part was interacting with those folks, even though it was only for maybe 30 seconds at most.